Home Street Football

Street Football

Street football, or street soccer, is played on a concrete pitch or outdoors on makeshift courts. A fast-paced, short-sided game, it melds together a high degree of skill, personal style, and quick decision-making. Already a global phenomenon, street football has been a training ground for some of the world’s greatest ballers.

freestyle football events

The Roundup: Upcoming Futsal, Street, and Freestyle Football Events

FOMO is real. Stay up to date with our monthly Roundup series, which highlights some of the biggest and best futsal, street, and freestyle football events across the globe.  Another...

Séan Garnier Gave Me Panna-noia

Séan Garnier — the myth, the legend, the deliver of painful pannas — recently dropped in on our UrbanFutsal LA facility for a private film session. It started off friendly...

Neymar Jr’s Five San Diego Highlights: A Redemption Win for “Dream Killers”

The Neymar Jr.'s Five San Diego qualifier tournament took place on May 15 on the large grass field at Waterfront Park. An enthusiastic crowd of spectators gathered to watch the teams compete...

Top Places for Pickup in Los Angeles

Chances are you have wondered where the coolest places are to find a game of pickup in Los Angeles. Whether your preferred pitch is under stadium lights or on scuffed...
lafc supporters

LAFC’s Die-Hard Ultras Culture on Full Display at the 2018 LA Supporters Cup

At the third annual LA Supporters Cup, the rabid LAFC ultras went from allies to enemies — at least just for the day. Factions of the notorious 3252 went...
New York City Soccer Initiative

New York City Soccer Initiative Kicks Off With 10 New Pitches Opened in Underserved Neighborhoods

In an effort to provide New York City's most underserved communities with a safe and effective youth development program, the New York City Soccer Initiative began last week with the...

Top 10 Tekkers: Last Week of November!

For this week's Top 10 Tekkers, we celebrate the end of our favorite Turkey-stuffing, Netflix-surfing, butt-freezing month with a selection of sick tricks and slick skills to remind us all that, yeah, it...
Adidas Tango Manchester United

The Roundup: Plenty of Heat to End the Summer

FOMO is real. Stay up to date with our monthly Roundup series, which highlights some of the biggest and best freestyle, futsal and street football events both in the...
copenhagen panna house

For the Culture: Copenhagen Panna House Hosts First-Ever Danish Championships

With plenty of pannas and an authentic street atmosphere, the Danish Championships hosted by Copenhagen Panna House proved just why Denmark continues to set the standard of excellence in...
Kristoffer Liicht Copenhagen Panna House

Kristoffer Liicht Breaks Down His “Jeand Doest Wave” Move

We asked Kristoffer Liicht of Copenhagen Panna House to demonstrate the move he used on the boss himself, Séan Garnier, during a past panna competition. Liicht is a panna stud with humility and...
mls skills challenge

Re-Imagining the MLS Skills Challenge

The MLS All-Star Game was recently canceled — but that doesn't mean that all the fun should go with it. We re-imagine the MLS Skills Challenge to make it...

The Round-Up: Coming Up in Street Ball, Futsal, and Freestyle

Summer's going by fast, and to get your calendar right, we've put together the latest events to look out for in street football, futsal, and freestyle. Sign up to...
captain tsubasa stadium osaka

Urban Lens: The Captain Tsubasa Stadium In Osaka Is a Stage for Street Skills and Style

While it may not be as popular as baseball, the beautiful game thrives in Japan — especially in its street form. Home to some of the world's top street...
neymar jr's five

The Roundup: The Biggest and Best Upcoming Freestyle and Street Football Events!

FOMO is real. Stay up to date with our monthly Roundup series, which highlights some of the biggest and best freestyle and street football events across the globe. While the...
street football bali

Urban Lens: Balling in the Shadow of an Active Volcano in Bali

The beautiful game's omnipresence around the globe knows no boundaries. On the tiny island of Bali, Indonesia, tucked in the shadow of an active volcano, Urban Pitch staff writer...

Top 10 Tekkers: 3-Day Weekend Edition

Nothing gets the long weekend going like watching our favorite highlights of the latest and sickest tekkers. This week's best tricks and innovative moves will no doubt add inspiration on...
street football mumbai

Urban Lens: The Quiet Rise of Street Football Culture in Mumbai

One of the largest cities in the world, Mumbai is a metropolis teeming with art, culture, and history. Despite this, street football has yet to establish a strong presence....
Diadora street football Rio Brazil Olympics Medals Pack

Diadora Turns to Brazil’s Street Footballers for N9000 “Rio Olympic Medals” Pack Release

Diadora is one of those sports companies you just don't hear about much. Their heyday was in the '80s and early '90s, so it's somewhat surprising, or extremely overdue,...
neymar jrs five

Do We Have What It Takes to Become Part of Neymar Jr’s Team?

Accompanying the Red Bull Neymar Jr's Five tournament, the #NEYMARJRSTEAM campaign gives people all over the world a chance to earn a coveted spot on Neymar's squad at the...
Red Bull Neymar Jr's Five Training Grounds

Round 1, Neymar Jr’s Five Training Grounds: Former Champs Return to Find a Surprise Competitor On Their Heels

In the first of Urban Pitch and Red Bull's "Training Grounds" competition, an unknown team comes out of nowhere and nearly pulls a shocking upset over last year's Neymar...