As a SoCal resident, to say that the weather has been crazy is somewhat of an understatement. Fifty degree weather with insane amounts of rain pouring down, even hail at certain times, is definitely out of the norm. (Again, this is mainly out of the ordinary for SoCal people.) This week, we put together a list of tekkers you can curl up to and binge watch while hiding out from the elements!
10. Speed of Akka
Alexander Arabian puts a new “spin” on this akka combo, using his head, a knee akka, and some fancy footwork, that will make your head whirl!
9. Double Time
Seventeen-year-old Lisa is proof that balling isn’t just for guys. In this double clip, she puts together a tight freestyle combo, with some ATWs, sit-downs, and sole stalls, followed by a panna that brings her opponent down … literally.
8. Freestyle Cocktail
Joseph Aguilar shows off some range with a sick 3 followed by a nice little akka 3000—this guy is having too much fun!
7. Finishing Touch
Boston resident Ben disappointed as many of his clips were deleted while filming. If this is what wasn’t deleted from his numerous clips that were lost, it’s by far pretty impressive as he works on controlling his first touch for a successful shot to the left corner of the net.
6. Nothing but Net
This baller pulls off a sweet rabona, crossing his shooting foot behind his other ankle, for a perfect finish to the corner. Nothing but net on this one.
5. Strength in Lowers
In memory of his older brother, Alexander Mendoza of Innovation LA completes a difficult combo with strength.
4. Funky Brothers
This squad of groundmovers show off their fast footwork in a dance-inspired, funkadelic video.
3. Freestyle Friendsies
Eduard (left) killing it in a duo freestyling collaboration that was cut too short.
2. Too Sexy for this Combo
Italian footballer Gunther shows off his athleticism (and ripped physique) with a combo that incorporates flips, sit-downs, and some head stalls. Practicing to perfection is definitely a key asset.
1. Sneak Preview
Despite the cold winter, Victor Andres and DJ Diveny put on a show for their online fans on Walnut Street Bridge in Chattanooga, Tennessee, as they do a dry run for an upcoming performance. Not much can stop a freestyler from doing what he loves!