Christian Ferretti and Tony Magaña Join the Urban Pitch Podcast

On the latest episode of the Urban Pitch Podcast, we take a deep dive into the world of fashion and football’s influence on it, with the help of designer Christian Ferretti and The Football Boutique founder Tony Magaña. 

There are many moving parts in the world of fashion. From a consumer perspective, we’re focused on trends, brands, and what’s currently in— and that’s enough to keep anyone busy. But for those in the industry itself, there’s a million more things to worry about.

With the help of designer Christian Ferretti and The Football Boutique founder Tony Magaña, we get some insight into what goes on behind the scenes in the world of fashion, and how soccer always seems to be a relevant influence across the entire space.

You can watch the entire podcast on YouTube, or listen to the audio on streaming services including Apple and Spotify.

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