There are some days you just want to forget your troubles, meet up with the homies, and do what you love. In our case, that means playing ball, and when you’re in Cali, you ball every season of the year.
On this West Coast winter night, we invited Alex Mendoza over to UrbanFutsal LA for a filming session, and of course he brought along some friends: fellow freestyler Chris Kehne and soon after, one by one, members of L.A.’s Bola street crew.

This was filmed on a Thursday night when we also host our famous pickup games. We had people playing futsal on one side of the warehouse while freestylers and the Bola crew kept it street in the courtyard. We’re truly blessed to have Cali weather and be able to play throughout the year, even if we sometimes need to break out some heat lamps.
Here’s the latest video from our #urbanlegend series where Mendoza and the fellas display some serious freestyle and ground moves to the dope lyrics of L.A. rapper Demrick.