Most people have heard of Séan Garnier. Even if you’re not a hardcore soccer or freestyle fan, you’ve probably seen him in this commercial disguised as an old man or battling Neymar for street points. After announcing his presence on an international stage by winning the first Red Bull Street Style World Finals, Garnier did what few ballers have been able to accomplish: transcend his niche.
Garnier is arguably one of the top freestylers in the world, but he also has an arsenal of ground moves and panna skills. He competes in professional futsal, and integrates music, street art and a slew of acrobatic jumps and flips into his routine. Very few in the world have the talent and commitment to master one genre, even fewer have the versatility and showmanship Garnier possesses to compete in three disciplines at the highest level.

Since leaving professional, full-field soccer a decade ago, Garnier has become a pioneer in the urban freestyle concept, combining breakdance, music, and art with football. Along with his S3 crew, they have become innovators and ambassadors of the sport.
When Garnier visited us at UrbanFutsal LA, we were proud to share with him our own philosophy of “blending art and music with the beautiful game.” As he showed off some of his moves, it was clear that Garnier is not only one of the most skilled players in the world, he emanates that tangible presence all great performers have. To top things off, he even gave one of us a generous panna as a parting gift. We’re looking forward to see what he does next.